Mohamed Yilmaz Ibrahim
Graduate Student at (Purdue University)
I am a computer science graduate student at Purdue University West Lafayette. I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering with a First class with Distinction from College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University and have two years of Software Development Engineering experience at Visa Inc. Bangalore. .
I code. I research. I travel.
My name is pronounced [meaning Diamond in Turkish].
- Fact Checker Python 2.7 - mapping of claims obtained from fact checking sites to related tweets in Twitter. (Report)
- Side Channel Attack Python, Android - proof of concept for a side channel attack on smartphones using Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. (Thesis)
- XSS Detect Python 3.6 - cross site scripting detection using Machine Learning. (Report)
- C# to JS CompilerC#, JS - a basic C# to JS Compiler. (Report)
- iFogSim Python - a fog computing analysis study. (Thesis, Poster)
- Hospital Management System Python Flask, HTML, CSS, MySQL - a hospital management system where the application plays the role of a receptionist.
@misc{xssdetect, title={Real Time XSS Detection: A Machine Learning Approach}, url = {https://www.idrbt.ac.in/assets/publications/Reports/IPTS2017/Yilmazfinalreport.pdf}, author={Mohamed Yilmaz Ibrahim}, year={2017}, publisher={IDRBT} }, @INPROCEEDINGS{9087264, author={M. Y. {Ibrahim} and R. {Sridhar} and T. V. {Geetha} and S. S. {Deepika}}, booktitle={2019 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC)}, title={Advances in Neuroevolution through Augmenting Topologies – A Case Study}, year={2019}, url={https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9087264}, volume={}, number={}, pages={111-116}, } @article{2019, author = {{P Uma Maheswari} and {Mohamed Yilmaz Ibrahim} and {Ramkumar B} and {Aswin Sundar}}, doi = {10.35940/ijeat.b3432.129219}, url = {https://doi.org/10.35940/ijeat.b3432.129219}, year = {2019}, month = dec, publisher = {Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - {BEIESP}}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {1132--1137}, title = {Deep Learning and {NLP} based Side Channel Attack for Text Inference in Smartphones}, journal = {International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology} }
- 16th August 2021 - Officially a boilermaker.
- 31st December 2020 - Received Above and Beyond Award by Visa Inc. for extraordinary contributions to the business.
- 15th February 2019 - Organized Google Startup Weekend 2019 CEG Edition
- 20th January 2019 - Instructor for NLP workshop at Kongu Engineering college, Erode
- 7th January 2019 - Organized 6 Degree Talks at Enantra 2019
- 19th August 2018 - Got interviewed by Guindy Times (the official magazine of Anna University - CEG, ACT and SAP Campuses) to share my internship experiences.
- 5th February 2018 - Got interviewed by Guindy Times for Enantra Fest.
All Smiles :) End of 54 grueling hours. Startup Weekend Chennai CEG Edition 2019 | Kurukshetra
Posted by Startup Weekend Chennai on Wednesday, 20 February 2019
Enantra 3.0's 6 Degree Talks featured the words of some eminent figures, leaving an indelible mark on the audience. From...
Posted by Enantra on Sunday, 17 February 2019
We're back again with the weekend's post of 'Intern Diaries'. This week, we have Mohamed Yilmaz from 4th-year Computer...
Posted by The Guindy Times on Sunday, 19 August 2018
With word on the street being that Enantra were recently granted a prestigious UNESCO patronage, The Guindy Times...
Posted by The Guindy Times on Monday, 5 February 2018
- Sep 2020 - Learn Ethical Hacking from Scratch - Udemy. (Certificate)
- May 2020 - Stanford University Machine Learning By Andrew NG - Coursera. (Certificate)
Graduate Student
Purdue University
Aug 2021 - Present
Area of Study: Machine Learning
Software Engineer
Visa Inc. Bangalore
Jul 2019 - Jul 2021
Part of Risk Solutions Team in the Merchants and Acquirer Processing Division
DAAD WISE Scholar 2018
L3S Research Centre at Leibniz Universitat Hannover
May 2018 - Jul 2018
Areas: Natural Language Processing Click here to view Report
Research Intern
Indian Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
May 2017 - Jul 2017
Areas: Machine Learning, Cyber Security Click here to view Report
BE Computer Science Engineering
College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University
Aug 2015 - Jul 2019
178 credits to complete my engineering studies
High School
DAV Gopalapuram
Jun 2013 - May 2015
DAV Appreciation Awardee for Academic Year 2014-2015
Primary School
Montfort Academy Matriculation School
Jun 2001 - Apr 2013
School 1st in State Board Examinations